Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
The oldest local cancer charity
Over the years our care and support, including counselling and family support, has been life-changing for thousands of people across Northern Ireland.
We’ve reached many thousands more in schools, workplaces and communities with our vital cancer prevention messages, which help people reduce their risk of getting cancer.
We currently fund pioneering new research into breast cancer at Queen’s University Belfast. And we campaign for better health policy to protect our community and its future.
While our achievements are cause for celebration, we still have a huge amount of work to do. And, while people in Northern Ireland continue to be devastated by cancer, we’re determined they should always have our support.
It’s our vision to see a day when cancer is no longer a life-threatening condition.
Care Services
Each year we…
- Support 5,700 local people affected by cancer
- Provide 4,000 counselling sessions
- Answer 2,000 Nurseline calls
- Support 600 young people and children whose parent has cancer
- Help 960 people with our complementary therapies
- Help 500 women with bra and swimwear fittings after breast surgery
Cancer Prevention
Each year we…
- Bring health messages to 88,500 children and young people
- Deliver community health events to 20,000 people
- Provide info on tobacco to 4,000 people
- Train 500 healthcare professionals
- Bring health messages to 600 over 60s

Over the last five years we have been funding ground-breaking research at QUB into the BRCA1 mutant gene which increases the risk of breast cancer by up to 85% and up to 40% risk of ovarian cancer.
Currently we are funding innovative new research identifying women at risk of recurring breast cancer. The research is led by Dr Kienan Savage.
We also fund psychosocial studies that look at patients’ cancer journeys and how they can be improved, and we fund Northern Ireland’s first cancer health economist at QUB.
We work with politicians and decision-makers to develop legislation to give us better cancer treatments and outcomes. For example, we led the campaign for Equal Access to Cancer Drugs for Northern Ireland cancer patients and we lead the way towards a smoke-free Northern Ireland.
Almost 4,000 local people are diagnosed with skin cancer annually, with 9% getting the most serious form, malignant melanoma. We co-chair the Skin Cancer Prevention Strategy Implementation Group and are raising awareness of UV index and how it relates to the need for sun safety.
We are also the Secretariat for the All Party Group on Cancer at Stormont.
To contact Cancer Focus NI call 028 9066 3281 or email
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Registered Charity NIC101307